Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Truth= f(time)

It's a cycle. All of it. Cycle's pedals, civilisation's evolution, markets' behavior, people's moods, fashion's prescriptions.. everything that is on and above and below are circuituous. Maybe thats why some great man (was it the one who invented atom bomb?) once remarked, real truths are those which are both true and false at the same time.

Everything has a crest and trough. A crest and trough spread cross the dimension of time.

Time.. it's so omnipresent and omnipotent.. Yet so undetected is it's omnipresence. Ofcourse, we do feel the ticking of the clocks, the movements of sun across the sky. But do we really understand how everything we deem as to be something, is that something , only against that particular dimension of time?

For instance. Take the simplest of, one of the most automatic of body movements- an eye blink. Now divide the blink into a constituent parts. In the first 1/10 of a second it's just a partial lowering of the eye lid, and in the last 9/10th second it is an uplift of eye. An aggregation of such movements- half of them in the reverse direction and nature to the other half becomes a unity called eye blink only when the time of reference changes from 1/10 seconds to say a second.. Do we really understand the implication of this? I mean as long as there is a flowing time, there can never be any absolute truth... How do we ensure that what we see of a phenomenon (whatever may the phenomenon be) is the phenomenon and not just a constituent part of a larger unity? As our "time of reference" extends, what may be perceived as an event will seem like just a atom of that event..

Always know this, so. Everything you think you are, everthing that you think the world is, is just a function of time. f(x). As x changes value of f(x) undergoes changes.. A fool one would be to judge such functions/flows to be absolute.... alle?

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