Monday, August 24, 2009

Lunatic; not just an idiot.

There is something crazy about the way humans are made.

He came last week. Was so funny to see him at the airport. He looked so outta place. A huge back pack hunching him.
But when he opened that back pack and took out a piece of petrified wood and a white pebble from Atlantic, i knew the stranger was indeed the very dear friend who knew me so well. A stone from deep down the earth, in which each little being of wood was replaced by each little being of mineral.... A smooth white pebble, chiselled over ages to form the cool, calming feeling in my palm..
No one has ever understood me so well..
Fun by the beach, badminton matches with all the dookli rules made, long theorisations on delusions, elaborations on Ramachandran's work on mirror neurons.. painting the world map red and blue and green and yellow.. cooking crepes, teaching Simba tricks, listening to Bob Marley, reading books on the evening porch, looking at all those wonderful animals around and trying to be Shamans, learning to ride cycle hands free.. teaching to make a kathakali face..pillow fighting, dancing, and simply so wonderfully talking..

Tim, the Thimman now, matches me grain by grain.. but why not can there be the petrified wood.. where is the whole that is larger, different, than the sum of all parts..
Why are we partial; at our own disadvantage??

Tim, the one person my age I respect so much. The one who has taught me things, so many.. wonderful ways of seeing the world. A few days ago, he introduced Mary Gaitskill to me.. his greatest gift to me so far. Read out a story of hers and it made me feel so overwhelmed.. her brilliance, her precision. It was titled Mirror Ball. Of souls unintentionally given and taken. I still vividly remember those lines. Brain is not higher in moral or celestial than others. Brain, Heart,viscera, genitals.. none is better than the other.. it's just a matter of where the soul chooses to cling..
The girl in the story, believed her soul clung to her brain; as I believe mine does too; and she says such a connection can give the soul a kind of shocking electricity that will make it stay up talking its head off for nights on end.. It was such a soul of hers that was unknowingly taken by him. And that soul of hers was incessantly talking to him.
The story was so intricate, yet so simple in it's philosophy.. I looked at Tim, and I couldn't understand... Told him to read on..
He read other stories.. And finally the one titled Description. About a Joseph and Kevin, out on a trek. Two people for whom world, and it's people had different laws. And in the world of different laws, Kevin was the lucky one.
I asked Tim, which character he'd rather be.. He chose Joseph. Said he'd rather be the one who felt all that pain and grew than the one who won through and never got really touched by life.

That one statement, coming after that story, and that story having had come after all those questions to myself, struck me so deep...

Indeed there is something crazy. About the ways we humans are made. We are not simply idiots who can't say the difference between right and wrong and so does the wrong. We are lunatics who knows what is right and wrong and still does the wrong..
Where do I start to make things right??

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