Monday, August 24, 2009

Tesla in a dream

Dozed off while reading this book on physical geography. And ended up dreaming what? Of Nikola Tesla.. Of all people , Mr Moody genius, Tesla. I know it's him, coz everytime he spoke, a pigeon would miraculously appear from his sleeves and flutter around.. and click on a bulb on his shoulder... And he kept trying to say something, but it sounded like static current.. And funny, I felt like I understood everything and was taking notes..
Tesla was indeed a great great man. So great that he bordered the alien. Alien, as he is, as I see it, is the most flattering state of being. I just can't begin to understand how he ended up finding all the things he did.. though he never got the recognition and the world never came to know of it all.. He even modelled and started building a tower that would produce and transmit electricity with no cost , wireless, across the world... But forces that were, would not let that happen.. But what has captivated me a lot is his relationship with pigeon. Apparently he had one whom he considered like a soul mate.. talked to it.. and he says it even came to visit him, when he thought of it.. And when it died finally, Tesla did not hesistate to follow.
I remember how strange i felt the first time I read about him and his pigeon.. And today from nowhere there he was.
Maybe its coz of a variation of what they say as the negative after image.. u see someting yellow for a long time, u close ur eyes and you see blue, it's complementary colour. Because the neurons try to find an equilibrium.. Physical geography is so stabilised. 'Matter'ous. ''Definit'ous. Maybe that's what evoked the Electric, Fluid Tesla and his pigeon. 'Energ'ous. Ambiguous.
Who knows! But am so so honoured, Mr Tesla.

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