Sunday, August 30, 2009

On souls that flee

I learnt about a practice of Shamans today. Tim told me of it. His dad is a minister in a church and his mom is a Shaman. Am so fascinated by her.. Apparently, she got hit by a lightning and was hospitalised and it's after that she sought out shamanism.. He tells me, that she does soul retrieval for people.. everytime something traumatic happens to us, a part of our soul flees.. and she tries to find them for people.. along with helping peoples' soul journey ahead after their death..
Tim says she did one for him too. Tim had a difficult childhood, seperated from his mom. She wasn't part of his childhood. And she found a piece of his being that fleed back then during some epsode with his dad. And the solution she sound for Tim to get it back was a question. A question, which by it's frequent 'posing' would help him find that part and bring it back. "What can I do to be, remain, curious?"

I dunno what to think of it. My faith revolves around energies. And nature, as animism sees it, revolves around that very concept of energy flow itself. But I dunno whether we really keep losing parts of our souls like that. Thats what Mary Gaitskill too said. Is it really possible?? I dunno. But the idea that -a question that you will ask yourself, is all that you need to rediscover that lost part touched me so much..

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