Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sun in my eyes was not the sun on my eyes..

My heart went out to the sun today. What with being eclipsed and all. Went out. Chanced a gaze. I was scared a bit after all the radiatio gyan my mom uploaded on me. Didnt see the sun . He, even as he was half hidden, was blazing with all glory. All I saw was blinding light. Came back in, sat on my bed. Just closed my eyes, to rest away the lights invasion. And there he was.. on my eyelids, half hidden, half shining, with all his vulnerability and all his glory. The sun, and all these people like him, so intimidating in all public venues, in formal direct dialogues.. somehow tricks us to believe (or is it, make us realise) they do not want and let themselves be held, in the dark alley of submission and privacy.

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