Friday, January 8, 2010

Different time frames in one body?

Time is indeed relative. It's been proved too. With that experiment witn meons or muons or something like that. So, that being so, what if our mind and our body cells are living in two different time frames?? I mean, just look at the speed at which we withdraw our feet when we step on something sharp, or the speed at which we recognise a face in the crowd. By the time that happens a millions neurons would have fired! Each neuron readying those vesicles of neurotransmitters, releasing them, those neuro transmitters, moving to nearby dendrites, asking them to send more vesicles forward to convey the message.. So these cells gotta be in a higher time frame! where our 1 s is like a 10 min or something of theirs. Or maybe greater! I have no proof. It's just an instinctive insight. But even if we go by the logic path. Time is defined by change. When there is no change. There is no time. It is for certain that, many many many changes happen in a cellular world compared to the organism world in a given time period of the organism world. So all those changes must mean more time would have been experienced by the cellular world components.
Just imagine! What if eternity is closer when one is a cell in our own body than when we are the body?!!

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