Wednesday, January 6, 2010

problem with just problem solving

These kids in school have so much to study! Guess I did too. I still do! what am i saying. So many questions to answer. Eternal problem solvers. Eternal conceptual problems solvers. That would have been ok, if we were the problem finders too. Someone thinks some thing should be a quesstion, puts it up and we, the kids as well as the adults solve them. As answers are given to questions that were never asked by own selves, boredom sets in...

I wish there would be some new teaching techniqie that'd come up.

Something that presents to say Unnikkuttan, just one sentence in the beginning, as he sits to study Mauryan History, say. From nowhere, a young lad name Chandragupta came and built an empire that'd stand the test of centuries. Then he should ask. Where? When? How? What was he like? What was the odds of that happening? and so on.. Then the programme will give the answers, and finding gaps, asking for info to fill in those gaps, Unnikkuttan will learn.

problems can be owned, knowledge can be enjoyed only when we get to find them too na. Or how do we have a citizenry who questions along with performing?

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