Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The containing flesh; the liberating flesh

I realised something today. Focusing on your body. Focusing intensely on it. Being aware of it, rather than being a detriment to detachment , can actually aid it. It's like, one minute I am so unconsciously conscious of the breathing me, heart beating me, the seeing me, the hearing me... (I say unconsciously conscious coz, it's such an integral awareness that I dont even realise it's there) And in the next moment when I become conscious of the heart bearting, the eyes seeing, the ears hearing, suddenly that awareness of my body, takes the 'me' out of the bodily activities. And suddenly am this extra me, watching the body.

I say, if I am a liquid in a container, it's the awareness, the contemplation on the container, that is the easiest way to find my contained self's existence, rather than contemplating on the wide wide world outside. (Atleast for me, that hasn't worked much.)

Indeed With each discrimination is born a new identity. And the most basic one, gives the most basic one.

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