Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Even without having to get into a mystical narrative, I can say and prove one thing - The Muslim way of doing namaz is simply the best spiritual innovation of all times.

5 times a day, irrespective of a location, just with a sense of orientation to the most cardinal directional points, one executes a series of movements that creates a pregnant pause from whatever was happening till then. It moves the body, creates a space for the meditation minded to meditate in between the motions. For the chanting enthusiasts it allows a space to refine themselves to better and better renditions of combining chants with poses.

All within 5 minutes. All done. Renewed.

No body needs to build me a mosque to do that. To clean my body before I do the worship, I can even use a stone if water is unavailable, its said..

Basically, just do the stipulated remembrance with no fail. And what difference it makes. Especially in the life of someone like me who get vaccilated by the daily currents. Just the act of remembering Allah through Namaz, makes me feel at the end of the day, there has been some sense of continuity and or meaning to the day.

Alright i know this post is crudely penned to do justice to what the topic is worth. Insha Allah i will be back to complete it. 

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