Thursday, November 16, 2017


There is a basic, yet vibrant rhythm to nature. We recognize the day-night part of it, the season part of it. These are materialistically tangible. But beyond that I believe there is a "conscience cycle" in operations. And this cycle controls how and when our spiritual and physical planes interact.

However, due to the inertia in communication, obtuseness of our sensory faculties (caused by low energy foods and lifestyles) and because of all the layers of denial we wrap ourselves with, we often go out of harmony with this vibrant rhythm.

We sleep at night because, the darkness reassures us its a good time to do so. Similarly there are times in space-time, that requires the subtler spiritual endeavours to be relaxed and lulled. But from my own experience, I have found that for the spiritual initiate, this is really hard to swallow. We want to be flying all the time.

This needs to be checked. Because we would be going against the tide if we try to be clairvoyent, clairaudient etc at times they are not supported by nature and the very effort of going against nature's verdict could create in us a deep disdain, which would create an abscess for other parasitic emotions and entities to feed on.

My advice would be to have other tools ready to practice and hone at those times. For me, it is meditation. Especially Vipassana meditation. When the mystical world kicks me out I take refuge in Vipassana meditation that help me get busy with processing reality in a different way. It has its own charm you know.

So yeah, keep having multiple tools in your tool kit. And use them according to the space-time context.

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