Today, with just 7 minutes to go before midnight, am initiating myself into the ruby red art of combining the tenacity of faith with vivid hues of intuition and imagination and let it open daringly..
It is the synchronous encounter with the themes of communism, being reminded of a particular name of Allah, and reading about an important prayer in Salah that inspires me to write this post.
I start on the subject matter by beginning with the conclusion. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is one of the greatest communist spiritualists.
According to the accounts on the prayer we Muslims say towards the end of the Salah, it is stated that, the prayer captures the interaction between Allah (SWT) and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that happened. Arguably, THE MOST important and very very brief event in his life . When Allah bade him his well wishes, the Prophet's immediate reply was that may the blessings be spread to all the Muslim brotherhood..
One can believe in the veracity of the story thoroughly (as I do), or may even see it as an allegorical illustration (as maybe people outside the theological fold might). But what I can still assert is that, in capturing the interaction between Allah and the Prophet, during which just a few sentences (Well wishes to each other) transpired, the Prophet's focus was all on a kind of distributive justice.. Kinda along the lines of, "Allah, if I get your blessings and well wishes, may that extend to my brethren too, who are your devoted followers.."
This struck me..because.. as I have been growing in my practise of Islam.. I have been feeling a sort of possessiveness, a desire to be loved more and more by Allah. If an unpolished layperson like me can feel that urge so strongly just within the first few years of being in the terrain of Islam..I can only imagine the intensity of desire the very Prophet of the religion must have know about Allah, to get closer to be loved the most by Allah.. But rather than making his valuable moments a space for a prayer for that, his choice is to uphold the cause of the many who were sleeping, caught away in the fold of the earth that lay worlds away..
Allah's name, I am reminded, is Al Muqsit too. The Equitable. We meet in the world, in the Divine, what we have in ourselves.. When the Prophet remained conscious of equity for the Ummah.. he must have resonated so strongly with the spirit of Allah, that is Justice , Equity, Freedom and all the heady combinations they can make..
Material communism speaks about equitable distribution of material resources. I have heard a good academician once opine that communism failed in its mission in the Soviet because it was not complemented by a spiritual revolution that conditioned the ego and toned up the spirit to wholeheartedly find good in, rejoice in the collective well being of all..
My political preferences have always been left leaning. But i have never had much money. So i had no large personal stake being questioned. But when it comes to spiritual communism..i have more in stake. When i pray do i pray for myself or everybody else? Even the ones who are akin to the "lazing schemers" of the material dimension?
Today I have been inspired by the Prophet and the very Al Muqsit.. I embark with my ruby pulse. I grudgingly aspire to share my Allah..
It is the synchronous encounter with the themes of communism, being reminded of a particular name of Allah, and reading about an important prayer in Salah that inspires me to write this post.
I start on the subject matter by beginning with the conclusion. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is one of the greatest communist spiritualists.
According to the accounts on the prayer we Muslims say towards the end of the Salah, it is stated that, the prayer captures the interaction between Allah (SWT) and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that happened. Arguably, THE MOST important and very very brief event in his life . When Allah bade him his well wishes, the Prophet's immediate reply was that may the blessings be spread to all the Muslim brotherhood..
One can believe in the veracity of the story thoroughly (as I do), or may even see it as an allegorical illustration (as maybe people outside the theological fold might). But what I can still assert is that, in capturing the interaction between Allah and the Prophet, during which just a few sentences (Well wishes to each other) transpired, the Prophet's focus was all on a kind of distributive justice.. Kinda along the lines of, "Allah, if I get your blessings and well wishes, may that extend to my brethren too, who are your devoted followers.."
This struck me..because.. as I have been growing in my practise of Islam.. I have been feeling a sort of possessiveness, a desire to be loved more and more by Allah. If an unpolished layperson like me can feel that urge so strongly just within the first few years of being in the terrain of Islam..I can only imagine the intensity of desire the very Prophet of the religion must have know about Allah, to get closer to be loved the most by Allah.. But rather than making his valuable moments a space for a prayer for that, his choice is to uphold the cause of the many who were sleeping, caught away in the fold of the earth that lay worlds away..
Allah's name, I am reminded, is Al Muqsit too. The Equitable. We meet in the world, in the Divine, what we have in ourselves.. When the Prophet remained conscious of equity for the Ummah.. he must have resonated so strongly with the spirit of Allah, that is Justice , Equity, Freedom and all the heady combinations they can make..
Material communism speaks about equitable distribution of material resources. I have heard a good academician once opine that communism failed in its mission in the Soviet because it was not complemented by a spiritual revolution that conditioned the ego and toned up the spirit to wholeheartedly find good in, rejoice in the collective well being of all..
My political preferences have always been left leaning. But i have never had much money. So i had no large personal stake being questioned. But when it comes to spiritual communism..i have more in stake. When i pray do i pray for myself or everybody else? Even the ones who are akin to the "lazing schemers" of the material dimension?
Today I have been inspired by the Prophet and the very Al Muqsit.. I embark with my ruby pulse. I grudgingly aspire to share my Allah..
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