Saturday, July 31, 2010

In reverence to the unmajestic crows

Today morning, when I went to feed them, they didn't come. The crows. Wondered what I must have done, that upset them. Them and saturn and time. But I needn't have worried.. Had forgotten to take my lunch.. was reading. And then they came to my window and crowed.. oh my dearest crow friends, how happy was i to see you! :-) Two of them came today. Bali kakas. of the darkest black. with the coarsest voice. you crows, you with the energy of shani - the sun's son.. born from a shadow's womb.. who is brother to death, with the coal black eyes and a limp..
the world deems u ugly, coarse.
but heed i do you.. and will continue to, even if am swept upon a cloud..
for i know, time, time, time, is the one that set the stage even for creation..
as Chronos. Castrating Uranus, made life flow from Rhea..
And I find you, the time.
Ubiquituous. loud. yet so very often unheeded...

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