Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Papa lit the camphor cubes.. So that the smoke would drive the mosquitoes out..
I couldnt read. The smoke was hurting my eyes..
I saw this bright pink fly, whirring and circling, whirring and circling, near my table..
Demented it seemed.. Felt so sorry for it.. It was acting as if it has gone mad.. coz of the smoke??
I thought I should take it in my hand, and let it be there.. but what if I'll be frightening it more??
My pen dropped from my hand..
I bent down to pick up.
Taking it, looking again to where the little fly was,
I saw it being clasped tight in the mouth of this big dirt brown lizard..
In the blink of an eye. Dead. In the blink of an eye. Undemented.
Am stunned because I dont know what I felt.
The suddenness took my feeling from me.

1 comment:

AC said...

Most people would think what a natural process without linking it to our existential reality, with you the implications for us are assumed obvious and implied. I love this about the way you think- you see the meaning in everything