Saturday, May 1, 2010


They have been ill before.
But I was never as worried as am now.. Especially Him. The majestic, calm leader ever, I don't have a name to call him..
He always seemed so profound. Never really felt like making him a silly fish, just like all named fishes sound and seem.
He l et me pet him today.
Something is eating into him.
Read all kinds of online diagnostic charts about Giant Gourami diseases..
Rots, Fungus infection, Ich, Velvet disease..
In all the 14 years of having them around, had never thought so many things can go wrong with aquarium water.
Its skin is flaying all over.. eyes are clouding up.. skin is peeling off...
it's almost like its being drawn out excruciating little by little...
This fish was one of the first entities that made me think about..vertical classification.. a kind of harmonic series in nature..
i would look at it, and I would feel like I am near a Jack fruit tree..
A jack fruit tree swimming around in my very own pond, just one wall with a window away from my study room..
I am going to sleep now , dear jackfruit fish.. Cant be near you at night. Nature's Elements, Self created Regiments, proscribe that.
I hope my morning tomorrow wont be missing you.. But if I will be, I want you to know. I have always respected you.

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