ofcourse if there is a suggestion of ponder, it is but a facade to present a theory! :-) and here it is.
Human kinds must really be at it's end. As in, the resources and space is running out. More family is a maladaption indeed for the modern day mom and dads. Less fertility is indeed more adaptive. So maybe, it's the need of the times, that the huma genes are facilitating. By changing, and there by programming men to be attracted to skinny women with teeny tiny hips and breasts that could fit in a contact lens case! I know am exxagerating. But if one looks through the popular divas and actresses, one can actually see a reduction in voluptuousness. People often say that's only because of increasing health consciousness. But though there are studies saying obesity is unhealthy, there is no proof that a thin body is more healthy than a moderate constitution.
So is the case with women. Now metrosexual, mauve, light green type men are more appealing to women than the mountain man type dark brown , maroon type ones. A little less the masculine virility and a little more the accomodating companiability.
PS: Here is a sculpture of a woman from Mauryan times. It's not that one is beautiful than the other. It's just adaptation logic. To be thin. And desire thin. Follow it and get more mates :-P. So unthin women go go exercise. But hey also know k? That you just were born in the wrong century and that you'd have probably had warriors running after you and artists sculpting and painting you, having that body that you have!

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