Thursday, April 29, 2010


This is to remind myself that I should write down those great ideas that came up, as I was reading the experiments on
1) Spool sorting. Festinger
2)Sleeper effect
3) Inoculation theory
If I find myself not remembering still, the clues are "I act, therefore I think". And "Idealism is nothing but a producr of cognitive dissonance" . "Bal Thackerey's Saamna". Come on Febna . I know u had an exam on 30th. But If you don't write it down as you are reading this post 30th April, its gonna be a great loss for Febnakind. Seriously!

1 comment:

AC said...

I always laugh histerically when I read the Festinger expiriement (maybe 69?) concerning cognitive dissonance. To trick those poor folks into thinking that spinning spools is a worthwhile scientific pursuit simply by giving them utterly nothing in return makes me crack up to myself even now.