Thursday, March 4, 2010

When love flooded a study room

Hopefully finish economics. Start Indian History. That was the big plan I made for myself for my birthday. Switched off my cell phone. Stayed in. I was pretty sure that's what I wanted. I knew I thought that past was great, but present did not need past. But my pasts.. the wonderful tenacious people that peopled that past, refused to believe that.. I dunno from where Richa and Deva got my mom's number.. How Altaf and Sujith managed to remember. How Betsy and Isi and Ranjith refuses to forget.. The wishes came from all over.. through the least expected phones... along with least expected gifts... prying prying open carefully locked up frivolities. The diary. With Pictures of Mumbai. That was the final straw. Couldnt stop crying. Seeing a brigt red page with picture of Mumbai bus tickets strewn about... Tickets from 505. Tickets to Bandra where I can walk all day. Tickets to anonymity. Tickets to beonging. Trivandrum cannot give me anything like that. I love you so much my dearest dearest Bus ticket. I really did not know you meant so much to me...
My friends.. you humbled me... .

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