Thursday, November 19, 2009

BEING, back.

Presence. Contentment in that presence.. haven't felt that in quite some time.. So when it slid in from the left part of my being, can't believe how different this thursday is from the past. Shukran Allah is playing in the background.. Jared Diamond's story of humans through guns, germs and steel, lies next to me, the murderous ceiling fan has been counselled back to normalcy, tomorrow seems a wonderful adventure, yesterday gleams perfect sans the usual crazy glitches that I usually usher in in such instances, can still taste the Cadbury, can smell the wheatgerm cream, have set the song again to play.. Try as I may, cant somehow go beyond descriptions.. words must arise out of churning. When it's all still, when I am calm and content to trust my body to float, logically, why at all should I meed the frantic strokes and life jackets called words..

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