Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Everything is divine.
Human mind is most perceptive of the divine's beauty, when the form is another human.
So there is the opportunity.

Desire for the other is an inward bound spiral.
Spirals, spirals, and concentrates and concentrates, possess possess
So there is the danger

Thursday, September 2, 2010


What a dream.
A female being stretched and stretched till she becomes one long sinewy line
A male being stretched and stretched till he becomes another sinewy line
And they curling around . And then a helix.. Like the DNA's
Maybe each of us is not just an Ardha of the Ardhanareeshwara.
Each of us is the Ardhanareeshwara. A complete unity of opposites.
Gender:Sex. may not really be the Keys/Locks to the Locks/Keys to Completeness
They might actually be more the Latch, that keeps the door closed on Completeness.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In Frustration with Geography

There exists in a desert, the Ocean. The Ocean that is home
The desert exists, across another Ocean, an Ocean that is wide and deep
Its so easy to swim there with eyes closed
Wish it was just as easy to do it, with eyes opened too.

The silence after the salience

You must be on the plane now na Nandu.
And that School certificate must be in your bag flying too.
I'm sure it still doesnt believe it's yours. It thought it was mine for 5 years. So be understanding with it chekka.
I miss having you around. Last two days filled up so many blanks in my head.
I realise how partial conversations with friends here have become.
I have to cut down 2 years of my life to connect.
Polar Opposites. Parallel lines.
Guardian. Nemesis. Counsellor. Client. Critic. Driver. Banker. Cook. Teacher. Shoulder to cry on. Dearest dearest friend.
You better observe better this time as you fly as you promised, why you think the rain clouds are just winds. And call and tell me when you land.